3 Golden rules from Swami Vivekananda everyone should know

Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna. His teachings have created a positive impact on his followers.The renowned Swami Vivekananda gave us three golden rules :
  • Who is helping you, Don’t forget them.
  • Who is loving you, Don’t hate them .
  • Who is believing you, Don’t cheat them.


Each rule focuses on a particular theme or aspect of human behavior. In this post we explore the theme, what the Swami meant, why the rule and how the rule manifests itself.
1.Who is helping You, Don’t Forget them.
Each of us needs help at some time in our lives; some of us need help more often than others. When we receive help, we should remember how fortunate we are and how grateful we ought to be. Going beyond ourselves, we should use this experience to help others wherever and whenever we can. Remember to thank God for His help! This is a rule about gratitude. Perhaps Swami wanted to remind us to be thankful of what we have. Perhaps, he noticed that in our busy lives we tend to forget small, but important acts that can provide fulfillment. A simple “Thank You” goes a long way to making us and those around us feel happy and fulfilled.
2.Who is loving you, Don’t Hate them.
Swami wants to emphasize Love and is telling us that Love is all that matters most. He is telling us that when someone loves you, you should love that person in return. Swami felt we do not show or have enough love for each other. He wanted to remind us that Love is natural to us and provides fulfillment. We show our understanding of this rule when we return Love with Love, and when we carry that kind and caring attitude with us all the time. God loves all of us. Imagine the felling of happiness and fulfillment we get when we love God in return. Try it! N
3.Who is believing you, Don’t Cheat them.
We all hear “Honesty is the Best Policy”. Swami emphasizes honesty in this rule.So Swami is reminding us to be honest and have respect for each other, including those who put their trust in us. Maybe Swami felt there is not sufficient honesty in folks and wanted to remind us honesty and respect provide fulfillment. In our everyday lives this rule manifests itself through mutual respect and honesty for each other.

Obviously Swami Vivekananda had reasons for stating these three golden rules. He wanted to emphasize gratitude, love and honesty as eternal truths that lead to happiness and fulfillment.


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